
A Few Games started as a simple blog & collection website. I enjoyed the idea of sharing my game collection, but soon after, I thought it would be better to share my (at the time) private game variant databse.

This open source database is the form the site currently takes, with a blog for long form content.

Ultimately, my passion is to share the print history of video games. This means exploring how physical games change over time and demystifying that process for collectors.

Finally, where do you, the reader, fit into this? As mentioned above, the database is fully open source. You can view both the raw data and website code at the GitHub repository. I aim to facilitate an environment where folks can help build a free, accessible, and transparent resource together.

Thanks for reading and I hope to see you around!

PS: Do you want to see the games I own? I have an Instagram for that! I'd love to see your games too. Thanks for viewing (and if you decide to give a follow). On a related note, feel free to sign up for occasional emails about game collecting. I promise not to spam you. ;)